Tuesday, November 3, 2020

It happened this season
Without much to say
There was a time and a moment
When the world went away
A tiny invader
Came along to besiege
With invisible movement
Causing us to just freeze
There’s a new crime in town
Taking over the world and our city
It has no remorse
No mercy or pity
There’s a calm all around
Not a sound nor a breeze
I’m afraid it forebodes
Of a quiet disease
So quick is despair
To do all that it please
To pause all our nations
Knocked down to its knees
It has taken the world
By an unusual storm
Paralyzed all our being
Then we had to conform
This tiny invader
With a crown to its name
No glory is found
But triumphs just the same
It’s taking so many people
Seem to defy natural laws
It’s happening so quickly
Yet we still have to pause
Is it just nature’s way
So many don’t buy it
From a bustling world
To then just being quiet
Some say it’s divine
Only He knows because
How can millions of people
Can suddenly just pause
An eerie hush
Has befallen our land
Commands quiet please
Ways we don’t understand
Like ghosts are the people
Covered than masked
For the sick they are saviors
What a terrible task
The helpers of people
So much time is spent
Many raising their voices
Still some cannot vent
Are those bright white pavilions
Constructed so quick
Just built fast enough
Not to house all the sick
The parade of drumming
The endless marching beat
Turned about face
Stopped shuffling its feet
The streets are so empty
Not a wave of a hand
Turned a bustling metropolis
Into a mute barren land
No sounds in the air
A menacing stop
Just quiet policing
Of an insidious cop
We were joined in many storms
But not in this type of weather
We pause then we’re distant
Now we can’t be together
As the quiet continues
Down every untrodden street
Around every corner
Empty sidewalks will meet
Pause please everybody
Both big and small
From an invisible villain
That started it all
Let’s pray for all people
For a tomorrow today
Let’s send this insidious
Invader away
Then an almighty presence
Now commanding with aplomb
Vanquished the tiny invader
So no more will succumb
As a light is now beaming
Shining down heaven’s door
On a new landscape and horizon
Where the sick are no more
What happened this season
We may not know the cause
There was a time and a moment
When we all had to pause

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